Days prior to the dog show, do some research for the type of cut that is best for your Bichon. The choice of a cut (or coat style) would depend upon the lengths of the hairs in your Bichon's coat. If your dog has short hairs, you can go for the Lamb Cut. On the other hand, for Bichon Frises with long hair, you can choose the more fancy cuts like the Panda Cut or the Teddy Bear Cut. Many websites have instructions, including videos, on how to do these cuts.
One day before the dog show, give your dog a bath. Gently towel it dry before using a blow dryer. As you blow dry your Bichon, brush it with a soft brush using gentle strokes following the direction of hair growth. You will know you are doing it correctly f the coat is soft to the touch (like plush velvet) and it springs back when patted.

While the fur is still a bit moist, you can begin trimming. A perfectly trimmed coat should show off the natural outline of your Bichon's body. Make sure that you do not trim too much or too sharply along curves and joints. It should be naturally rounded or curved. Fur on the head, beard, around the whiskers, ears and tail should be kept longer. Long head hair will give your Bichon's head that poly appeal, but trim along the top, so that it will be level. Brush and blow dry your dog again to remove the trimmed hair. Once you're done, your Bichon should have that cute powder puff appearance. Do not let your dog out of the house so that it won't get dirty.
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