Dog shows are held worldwide, and are known as conformation shows. There are many other competitions as agility, obedience, hunting, tracking, among others. In conformation shows, individual dogs are judged on how well you represent your race and therefore its ability to carry on the quality of the breed for future generations. Each dog is judged against their breed standard, which is a detailed description of the perfect dog breed. If a dog deviates from the breed standard in any way, you will receive an infraction or the judge will take away points. Only purebred dogs are allowed in these competitions.
There are countless dog shows each year, some large and some small. Some programs are limited to one race. In the larger sample, different breeds are divided into 7 groups: sporting dogs, working, terrier, toy, non-sporting and herding. In the UK, these groups are called hunting dog, dog, working, terrier, toys, public services, and pastoral. For example, a golden retriever is a member of the sports in the United States or the hound group in the United Kingdom. Generally better in a group winner will be chosen from each group. Then the last 7 dogs compete in the show ring for Best in Show final.